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Herbalicious: paprika e cumino

The journey through the spices that improve our dishes continues with the paprika and cumin.


In Hungary, paprika means pepper , in fact, this spice is obtained by making it dry and freeing the white inner portion after it grinds.

A legend says that a Hungarian peasant who had been compelled by force to live in the harem of a pasha turkish in Buda, spied along the gardens of the palace where the peppers were cultivated and once freed, he taught the farmers of her village to cultivate.










The paprika is divided into sweet or spicy, in this second case is obtained by grinding the seeds and fruit, is a spice rich in minerals, calcium, iron, sodium and vitamins b1 b2 b5 pp c. It is said that it stimulates digestive and circulatory systems.

Its color ranges from pink to dark red, keeps well in airtight glass jars … but be careful with the time it loses flavor and strength.





The paprika,  is well known because it  is the main ingredient in goulash but now it is used for soups, sauces, even on cheese (sweet paprika), vegetables and shellfish, it gives at each dish flavors and entrancing.





Personally I use it on chicken breast lightly floured and cooked in the pan but also on the chips, sweet paprika is exquisite!





Plant native to the Mediterranean basin, has a strong perfume and sweet but at the same time it is warm and enveloping. Very well known and used in Indian and Middle East.

In Egypt , however, it was used during the mummification process .

It is an antiseptic , a fungicide , and possesses a great percentage of iron , helps digestion and seems to contain a certain percentage of antioxidants. Cumino has also properties  calming and sedative . It is also used in cosmetics for the preparation of mouthwashes, toothpastes and detergents.

During the Middle Ages superstition wanted  the cumin avoided that lovers escape from their respective patner , it was believed , moreover, that the bride and groom if they had with caraway seeds during the wedding ceremony , they would have had a long and happy married life .

This spice is used in the countries of Northern Europe for the preparation of breading , in soups, dough into balls and baked goods : cookies and cakes . It is also known for the preparation of liquors , in fact from its distillation you get the liquor German KUMMEL .





In India, cumin is used for the preparation of mixtures of spices, and in fact it is a component of curry, in Mexico in pounds of meat and guacamole as a key ingredient in some North African countries is present as a spice in many dishes .

I mainly use it when I make the meatballs with pepeproni for  grandmother Magda’s super cous-cous




