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My strudel

Well , strudel is one of the most popular desserts,
the scent of apples, cinnamon, lemon rind and grandmother Ines that was recommended and she said:
“I highly recommend the pasta should be transparent and treated with care.”
I breathed the passion and love that grandma put in every dish prepared …
and I was there to steal his secrets,
enchanted to look like the wisdom of a gesture could be born a magical alchemy:
a sweet, a wonder to enjoy for eyes and then … the taste,
feel the spicy notes rather than the aftertaste of lemon and the character of the dough while still hot and still apples … what a treat!
Even today, when, although with some modifications,i prepare  strudel, perfume
brings me back to the kitchen, where 50 years ago my grandmother taught me that even in preparing a simple dish takes love!

Sorry if I let myself take the memories …



For the dough:

- 1uovo

- 125g of flour

- 25-30 ml of water

- 1 tablespoon of olive oil

- A pinch Salt

For the filling:

- 3 fuji apples (I prefer to renette)

- 60 g sugar

- Cinnamon to taste

- 25g of pine nuts

- 25g hazelnuts, coarsely chopped

- 25g pistachios

- 100g of butter

-The grated rind of one lemon

-75 G breadcrumbs


Sift the flour into a bowl and add the salt, egg, water and oil,
knead quickly and energetically
putting some  oil the floor where you work.
the dough will be sticky and elastic,
form a ball
and put it in the refrigerator covered with plastic wrap for about 30 minutes.
In a pan, melt 50g of butter, then add the breadcrumbs that are going to toast.
Cut the apples into slices rather thin and place in a bowl, adding sugar,
pine nuts, lemon zest, hazelnuts, pistachios.
At this point, melt the remaining butter.
On a floured cloth, roll out the dough carefully, put the butter with a pastry brush,
and sprinkle with the toasted breadcrumbs.
Add the apples with dried fruit, etc.,
helping with the canvas rolled strudel brush them with a little butter
that you will put on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
Bake in preheated oven at 200 degrees for about 30-35 minutes.
Sprinkle with powdered sugar and delight yourself!


Et voila … love makes miracles!



