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At dinner with Camillo Benso di Cavour

And we are in 1800 … some investigations of the time tell us how the power of the peasants were extremely poor , to the north consists mainly corn polenta , to the south -wheat bread, of course, never meat. While in Tuscany , the meat was used in a small part as a condiment in soups, beans and grains or pasta and chickpeas, boiled meat was considered some delighful For the workers who lived in the town  speech was different, they supply much more  healthy and certainly more varied: rice , pasta, meat , cheese and vegetables .

However, in the nineteenth century , several scientific discoveries applied to industry and agriculture , contributed to many changes, for example in France, was planted the first sugar beet processing industry and that made it normal to have sugar at the table. The theories of Pasteur on fermentation , brought a number of advances in the field of wine and cheese and a significant improvement of wines and cheeses. I like the lunch occasion of celebration and reunion spreads in all social classes and we women become queens of the kitchen.


The meals, which until then were three, now are four, or even five for day for the citizens more rich: times were similar to modern ones, from 7 to 9 am breakfast, lunch from 12 to 14, 20 and 30 and dinner one o’clock at night a light snack for all those who attend the shows.

And here we finally arrived at Cavour’s house: he was a great protagonist of 1800, a great supporter of liberal ideas of social and economic progress, in 1861, became the proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy, the first president of the Council of Ministers of the new state


At palace Benso di Cavour, the first thing that strikes us is a staircase adorned with a beautiful turn of the nineteenth century, we come to the main floor and enter the main hall, decorated in neo-baroque stucco work time, the table is elegant and refined


Precious embroidered tablecloth on which stand many vases overflowing with flowers, orange roses and yellow alternating with fragrant oranges make the room feel cozy.

Lunch begins with the revenue: a barley soup, a steamed red snapper and a walnut calf … spend starters (good start I thought … finally a light lunch … sweet time) and instead of ham in aspic and as early hens with asparagus, quail Richelieu, aspic, green beans and artichokes.

Finally the dessert, Bavarian cream and apricots oriental fruit




I must say … even in 1800 they dealt not bad … Greeting Camillo, very busy with political issues and go back to my blissful 2014 on my sofa at home with a good coffee !


