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Herbalicious:star anise and mint

Today we talk about other herbs details:

Star anise or anise Siberia, because it was introduced by Russia, it has this name probably for its  fruit that has the shape of a star with eight arms










It is native to southern China and northern Vietnam, has a reddish brown color and a very strong flavor similar to licorice, in fact, in the kitchen, you have to use a very small amount for the preparation of the dishes.









Star anise aromatic essential oil is extracted and it is used for medicinal purposes, you will recognize the remarkable properties: it is said to fight certain viruses including herpes, anethole has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capacity as well as diuretic.

Particularly used in Asian cuisine, China, Indonesia, India, it is an essential ingredient of garam masala (mixture of spices including chilli, turmeric, ginger, etc..) And the “Chinese five-spice powder.”










It is also used for the production of liqueurs such as sambuca, pastis, the galliano, grappa.

It goes perfectly with meat especially the goose and pork, fish, rice and sweets (muffins) but it also is particular on fruit, good with apples and pears with spiced red wine










Plant with strongly pungent aromatic flavor, the name seems had originated from mythological nymph , Minta ,daughter of the river god Cocytus, it seems that was converted by Persephone  in a humble and insignificant plant, which, however, was unable to remove the sweet and intense aroma









The Egyptians used it in the preparation of ointments sawmills that employed for the preservation of corpses.

A curiosity, for those who suffer from motion sickness or sea, prepare an infusion of mint and drink it in two or three days before the trip or keep it in a thermos and drink it during the trip as soon as you feel symptoms of nausea or vomiting.

Is said to be an excellent remedy for gastrointestinal disorders, also plays a decongestant activity and fluidizing of respiratory secretions,it has strong property had antiseptic and is a good remedy in the case of stomatitis and canker sores. The mint leaves are also used in beauty masks.










In the kitchen mint is widely used in Spain, India, Middle East, North Africa.

It must be used sparingly because it has a strong flavor, goes well with the meat with strong flavor lamb, duck, but it is also delicious on summer vegetables: tomatoes, peas, beans, zucchini and preparation of artichokes to the pan. This is also used to flavor fruit and pastries.

And in cocktails: the king mojto … in this cocktail mint is pounded with sugar and accompanied with ice and rum.












…And the jounrey continues











