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That little bit more … the discovery of the thyme and marjoram

Today I’d like to talkabout two herbs used in our cooking: thyme and marjoram.

The thymus borns to the areas bordering the Mediterranean,it’s known since the time of the Egyptians, they used it for embalming, the Romans   recognized it the pain-relieving and for its properties’ antiseptic they used it for storing food.

It is said that in the Middle Ages women were using weave ears of thyme for their riders, as a good luck.


The thymus grows throughout Italy wild, it can be ‘found in supermarkets in twigs.


This herb has many uses in the kitchen as in soups ,on meat, vegetables, white meats and fish, especially on bream baked is very good, there’ also those who use it also on eggs


And now  the marjoram,  native of North Africa similar to thyme but more ‘sweet and fragrant, rather favored by warm climates. Its fresh or dried leaves can be used to spice up any food.


Marjoram, was used in antiquity ‘as a sedative for anxiety, fear and insomnia; great for headaches while the top’ flowering aid digestion

The Greeks believed marjoram was a gift of Aphrodite and so they associated it to the the idea of happiness’.

In Italy is widely used in Ligurian cuisine where it is called”erba persa”, because they thought it was originally from Persia.



