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Polenta ri … cooked on Pecorino Romano Dop baskets


Here is a recipe with well balanced flavors so your palate
remain entranced, polenta  is
an exceptional dish … my mind goes
back to my beloved grandmother Ines ,  she went to the famous “bottegone”
where you could buy all sorts of vegetables, flour, spices, a magical place, full of colors and scents;
If I close my eyes and I see myself returning a child by the hand to my grandmother, go home happy with all sorts of
And then our kitchen and grandmother,
in front of the steaming cauldron ,turned that
golden yellow flour and then our marble table
and voila she put the polenta on
chopping wood … memories made of nothing but fill the heart!
And here is my reinterpretation, polenta rolls stuffed with bacon,
provola and arugula, served on cups of pecorino romano, breaded and
passed in a pan with a little oil.

Recommended wine:
Refosco del Friuli
wine with a strong personality but at the same time simple and without excess
that matches perfectly to the polenta.



- 50g smoked cheese

-6 Slices bacon

-200g Of Pecorino Romano DOP

-10 Plum tomatoes

-100g Rocket

breadcrumbs to taste

-Oil evo qb

-salt and pepper to taste

For the polenta:

-250g Of yellow cornmeal

-50g Butter

-100g Parmesan



After preparing polenta,
pouring cornmeal into the boiling water and turn it continuously,
when itwill be cooked season with butter and parmesan, season with salt and let it cool,
using a spatula,
roll it out on a sheet of baking paper wet:
at the end you will get a thick rectangle about 1.5 cm.
Stuff the rectangle with the thinly sliced provola,
bacon and finely chopped arugula.
Helping with baking paper rolled rectangle
polenta, with a knife drawn many slices,
coat them in breadcrumbs,
Heat a little oil in a pan,
Arrange the slices and fry on both sides.
For baskets: Heat a non-stick pan
on low heat,, sprinkle the surface with about 15g of pecorino
grated, when the cheese starts to melt and browning,
using a spatula flip and cook the other side.
Still hot put it  on a bowl upside down,
to let it to take shape.
Put a roll of polenta within each basket,
garnish with cherry tomatoes, and a few tufts of arugula and serve.


Et voila … tasty polenta!




    • tiramisu1 says

      Allora io sono sempre per la frittura dell’ultimo momento, però potresti qualche giorno prima del buffet fare una prova:friggi la polenta e poi riscalda il forno al max…spegni e mettila dentro a riscaldare e vedi come viene.
      per i cestini di parmigiano puoi prepararli anche un pochino prima. Grazie per l’attenzione a presto Mari