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Did you know …that?

I would like to give you  some small tips, simple tricks that make  your life easy in the kitchen …


- To  degrease the dishes, you can use the cooking water of potatoes



- When you cook the cabbage, to remove the terrible smell, you can put in the pot a piece of stale bread




- To peel the peppers  after cooking in the oven, put them in a bag for food, and after 15 minutes the skin will be off easily




- To have a good baking of potatoes , dip them in water for half an hour, then dry them and proceed to cook as you like





- What good bananas on sweets or fruit salads, but they usually become black , to avoid this problem,  put them in boiling water before peeling them …the problem will solve


Never throw the peels of citrus fruits, put them on the grill and leave them on the stove to low heat,  magically all the smells will disappear…



- Too much salt in the soup? Put in it three or four slices of potatoes, they will drink all the excess salt




- The smell of garlic on your hands? Rub them with a little of parsley




- It’s difficult to  flake the fish … put it in vinegar, everything will be  easy




- Would you like a fried very very light? Put in the oil bottle some small pieces of fresh ginger, then fry as usual




- To avoid the pies in the oven deflation, never open it during cooking




- When you have to mash the potatoes boiled and you do not want to burn  your hands, put them in the potato masher




- To avoid that the boiled milk decant put some butter around the edge of the pot



- To find out if an egg is fresh or not, dip it in a saucepan of salted water; if the egg will float  … ahiai it’s not ‘fresh



- An idea not to burn what ‘ you are frying ? Put a thin rind of lemon oil



- You don’t have thee breadcrumbs ? Do not worry … unsweetened biscuits , whisk .. here breadcrumbs



- Draft … if you cut the cake right away, if it is still hot it will crumble … No more … get immersed the blade of the knife in cold water for a few minutes

torta sfor

- Would you like tender octopus once cooked?   Cook it in the company of a cork

tappo sughero


- In order that ‘ the smell of fried does not spread to the house , put  in the pan a piece of stale bread which will absorb the smell.



- In order not to darken the artichokes , rub them with lemon after they are cleaned and leave them in water and lemon juice for about 20 minutes



- Onions make you weep ? No more  if you peel them the under running water




I hope you found some useful tip … see you next time!

…And the journey continues




  1. says

    ciao Marina, bel blog. Mi piace molto anche la parte che dedichi ai consigli e non solo alla cucina. Buon viaggio Loredana.
    Ps: se togli il codice forse ricevi più commenti (la gente è pigra!!)

    • tiramisu1 says

      grazie per aver lasciato la tua opinione, il codice serve ad eliminare i vari spam , grazie mille ancora e torna a trovarmi mi fara’ piacere a presto