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King’s spaghetti


Anchovy can be a model of discretion,
manages to emphasize the flavor of a dish
and then disappear as a trusted aide.
This recipe is ideal,
its salty flavor contrasts with the sweet and bitter of
Sicilian broccoli.
The dish definitely belongs to the category of simple dishes,
few ingredients but great character,
at the first forkful your palate will
flooded with an intensity of flavors very rich and varied,
then if you complete all with a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese
grated … you’ll have a dish for a king.

   Recommended wine:
Coda di Volpe “Torama” Vadiaperti 2011
a soft white fruity,
with a distinct feeling alcoholic

  And now …. LIGHT THE FIRES!


- 360g of spaghetti

-4 Anchovy fillets

-2 Tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

-1 Clove garlic

- Pepper to taste

-! Sicilian broccoli

-2 Tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese


Clean the broccoli, cut into florets and boil
for a few minutes in boiling water.
Put to cook the spaghetti, and in a pan
melt the anchovy fillets in warm oil ,
careful not to heat oil too much ,
because the anchovy fillets must dissolve and
not fry.
Add the garlic, chopped
the chili pepper and broccoli florets Sicilian
put them in the pan and allow to simmer,
drain the pasta and set aside a ladle of the cooking water,
then pour the pasta into the pan and let it thicken for a few minutes,
if necessary using the cooking water, so
that the dough appears creamy.
Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and …
you will have a real dish for a king!


Et voila … the simplicity on the table!

