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Herbalicious…the journey continues

Today I want to talk about two fragrant and delicious spices , which can enrich and make unique your dishes:  ginger and cinnamon.

Ginger is a plant native to East Asia; today its major producers are China and India, in Italy was introduced by the Persians. The Romans used it as a digestive, the Arabs recognized its aphrodisiac qualities , some African populations believed that a continuous use of this root would help to keep the mosquitoes away.

Ingwer - ginger 06

This root has many qualities: antiulcer action, it is an excellent tonic and it stimulates the circulation.

It seems that a warm compress of ginger helps to relieve muscle pain and tears, some university researchers have found some good  antioxidants qualities. Ginger appears to act on the metabolism and thus is used in low-calorie diets, in addition it is also an excellent remedy for migraine; just chew a piece of the root and the headache will be just a memory.


Its pungent aroma and slightly spicy flavor makes it an important ally in the kitchen. It goes well with red meat, chicken but is also used to flavor sauces and creams.

I remember my mother-in-law prepared a delicious rabbit using ginger and cumin. As soon as I will remember the recipe I promise I will post it on the blog.


And now… my beloved cinnamon. Its fragrance and its taste is dry and biting are amazing. As Proust said in the ” recherche du temps perdue”, a scent can get you started on a journey back in time … that’s when I feel the scent of cinnamon I see my grandmother, the kitchen of our old house in Monte Mario (neighborhood of  north  Rome) and her legendary apple pie.


This spice has a long history, in fact there are already references  in 2700 BC China. Nowadays it has found great physiotherapic applications. In folk medicine it is used to treat flue and intestinal infections.

In the kitchen it is certainly one of the most versatile spices.  You can find it both in sticks or in powder and you can use it in both sweet and salty recipes.


Excellent as a flavoring for hot drinks and herbal teas.

It is mainly used in the apple crumble and mulled wine, in the preparation of biscuits and muffins. Excellent in soups, dough for bread and some side dishes; fast idea: grill pineapple and dust it with sugar and cinnamon … your taste buds will thank you.


…and the journey continues.

