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Spice of life

Wandering around  the web I found a site that sells on line  spices from all parts of the world, I was enchanted by the wave of scents and colors , so I’d like to tell you something about the variety that you could order and then experiment in new dishes.

I ordered some types of salt and some spice mixture that now I will tell you briefly about.

The first one is ‘THE HIMALAYAN PINK SALT, a pure salt, untreated,  its name comes from the fact that is extracted at the foot of mount Himalaya. It’s the only salt in the world that combines the sodium chloride, 84 other trace elements, which are those that our body needs in the right proportions.


It tastes much more round and less aggressive than common salt, and it has the ability to enhance the flavor of food,it  is also assimilated quickly by the intestine and thanks to the minerals that it it contents water retention is reduced.

In the kitchen is great, it gives to dishes  delicate flavors,it’s very good thepork fillet marinated with pink salt, herbs, white wine … and on the chips is  delightful.

This salt is  an excellent preservative and it is used as part of beauty treatments  like scrubs, peels, massages. It ‘also indicated in idrosaline preparations for the treatment and prevention of colds, dermatitis and conjunctivitis.

Another particular salt is HICKORY SMOKED SALT, has an intense  and deep aroma,it is made ​​in Germany, widely used in the kitchens of amateur between Vienna and Hamburg.

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This salt has a unique taste, wonderful for creating sauces to grill or barbecue, it goes well also with  fish .There is a salad from Nordic countries where the use of this salt gives a special flavor but also its fragrance remind you the smells of the countryside when the fire has just been turned off. For this salad use boiled potatoes,  ​​two boiled eggs, chopped red onion, celery, mayonnaise 50g, some capers, parsley, mustard and finally … a teaspoon smoked salt … Enjoy!

THE RED SEA SALT OF HAWAY owes its color to the clay that after being purified enriched in minerals, this salt is rich in iron too.


Shamans used it in antiquity in their rituals, today we use it in particular recipes.It can be used together with aromatic herbs,it  has a savory taste and  and hot and intense aroma, especially ideal for meats ,it’s  very good on crustaceans and shellfish too.

On  this site I found and I also bought  THE SWEET MASALA MAURITIUS, it is also called Indian saffron and consists in a recipe handed down for generations and obtained by maceration of several herbs and spices: turmeric, coriander, sugar, ginger, salt, basil, caraway, celery, chillies, garlic, mustard … it is much more’ delicate than curry, ideal for stews vegetables, white meat, lobster and shrimp.


LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA, is a mixture of spices ideal for barbecues, has a sweet and spicy accent, is also used on simple meat cooked in the pan. The ingredients of this mixture are: paprika, chillies, rosemary, dill, thyme and onion.


CARIOCA,is an original mixture of Rio used on grilled meats and fish, we usually recommend to marinade with olive oil, 24 hours before cooking.

The flavor is slightly spicy, the ingredients are: onion, carrot, pepper, oregano, garlic, cumin, nutmeg, paprika, marjoram, bay leaf, pepper, orange peel, chili and parsley.

Well if I have intrigued you just a little the name of the site is OrlandosIdee SPICES, will be an interesting trip trip around the world!










Ha un sapore decisamente piu’ rotondo  e meno aggressivo rispetto  a quello del comune sale da cucina, indubbiamente e’ un sale che ha la capacita’ di esaltare il sapore del cibo, inoltre è assimilabile velocemente dall’intestino  e grazie ai sali minerali in esso contenuti, la ritensione idrica e’ ridotta.








Ha un sapore decisamente piu’ rotondo  e meno aggressivo rispetto  a quello del comune sale da cucina, indubbiamente e’ un sale che ha la capacita’ di esaltare il sapore del cibo, inoltre è assimilabile velocemente dall’intestino  e grazie ai sali minerali in esso contenuti, la ritensione idrica e’ ridotta.





  1. says

    Ciao Marina, eccomi qui a dare uno sguardo al tuo blog. E’ molto bello e curato. Ho visto tante cose, ma mi sono tuffata sulle spezie, mi piacciono tanto. Mi piace molto usare in cucina spezie ed erbe aromatiche. Se fossi venuta con te avrei acquistato mezzo negozio ;). Tornerò a trovarti spesso :)