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The world at table: at dinner in Nuova Delhi

Welcome to India , namely New Delhi ,
India is the South Asian nation among the largest in the world,
and also the second in the world for the number of inhabitants .
The megalopolis is vast and consists of a tangle of narrow streets ,
in which , however, it’s nice to get lost , discovering some of the hidden treasures. Rich palaces, monuments and parks … go and see a little  between its beauties !


Chandni Chowk ( Silver Street ) ,
was at one time the largest emporium of fragrances of the east, today it is a grandiose and colorful market


India Gate, this is a monument erected to commemorate the fallen soldiers
during the First World War,
has the form of a triumphal arch and is 42 meters high , under the arch is the tomb of the unknown soldier .


The Qutb complex , is nothing more than a collection of ancient monuments ,
among which the minaret Qutb , it is precisely the most famous minaret in the world,
because it has a record :
is the highest in the world with its 72 meters , is included in the World Heritage property

complesso qu

The Mausoleum of Humayum ,
houses the tomb of the widow of Moghui Humayum ,
was also included among the World Heritage property ,
beautiful gardens which open out from the grave

mausoleo di hum

In Old Delhi are the Red Fort
so named because dl color of the sandstone with which it was built ,
This citadel is another Indian beauty Unesco World Heritage Site ,
allows access to different buildings :
there are the buildings of the imperial pavilions , a court where you dictate the judgments , a mosque and a small museum

forte rosso

We want to remember a wonderful party ,
with which the Hindu tradition
celebrates the spring , we’re talking about the festival of Holi , a festival of colors unforgettable !


We also remember the Rajpath Avenue ,
the most imposing avenue of the capital, is considered a sacred place because it is here that Gandhi was cremated

viale reale

Let’s taste some specialties of Indian cuisine , rich of sauces.

Here aloo gobi for those who love intense flavors and tradition ,
is a dish made ​​with potatoes , cauliflower and turmeric
which gives the classic yellow color , accompanied by coriander leaves


The tandoori chicken ,
is a dish of roasted chicken , yogurt, spices: curry , ginger and red chili


Makhanwala is another type of chicken prepared and cooked in a butter sauce


Alootikki , are delicious meatballs with potatoes and peas,
onion , carrot and spices at will, curry , ginger, paprika


Roti chapati , Indian bread that is a typical
is often splamato with ghir or Gheer , nothing but clarified butter … but good!


And .. we come to desserts, cookies, cakes …
start with the Luddus ,
balls of chickpea flour, butter , coconut,
nuts, cardamom,
are considered sacred cakes that you should do only on special occasions .


Barfis … there are endless varieties , dozens and dozens of recipes with coconut, pistachio ….

barfi main good

We end our meal with a wonderful
cream of rice -based Indian cardamom and pistachios … his name? kheer


Let India be happy to have met another culture,
also this interesting and charismatic ,
we tasted delicious treats though … speziatissimi …
oh my God I’m coming couch with my faithful express!

Until next time!

And … the journey continues!




    • tiramisu1 says

      “Aaaaaaancora tu….ma non dovevamo vederci più?” Cantava Battisti…ma pensandoci su forse sarebbe più opportuno accompagnare il tuo commento con una bellissima canzone di Marco Masini :))
      Comunque, noto con piacere che hai deciso di tornare sui tuoi passi e continuare a seguirmi con tanta dedizione; ne sono felice! Del resto, come diceva Indro Montanelli, “non c’è alleato più prezioso di un nemico cretino” (anche questa l’ho copiaincollata dal web! scusami)
      Quanto alla foto, stavo preparando un articolo su Bucartest ed erroneamente la foto è finita in quello di Nuova Delhi, ma per fortuna ci sei tu che mi fai gratuitamente da referee!
      A presto, cara Nina. Sono sicura che tornerai a trovarmi a breve.

    • tiramisu1 says

      Ed infatti…. ormai mi scrivi ogni mezz’ora! Ninuccia cara, non puoi proprio fare a meno di me…
      A più tardi allora. Ci vediamo per l’una. Ah e se trovi qualche altro errore fammelo sapere…però riposati ogni tanto…mi dispiace che tu debba lavorare così tanto per me!

    • tiramisu1 says

      Ah no infatti, è che l’altra volta avevi detto che non avresti più perso il tuo tempo sul mio blog e mi ero spaventata. Per fortuna che sei tornata Ninuccia.
      E comunque fattela sta risata, Risus abundat in ore stult… ah no Ninorum!
      P.S. vedo che migliori, ormai ogni 10 minuti mi scrivi. Ma non c’è il sole in calabria oggi??? Troppo computer fa male alla vista!