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The world at table: at dinner in Jerusalem

Welcome to Israel ,
Jerusalem is the largest city and is located on the hills of Judea ,
west hills sloping down to the Mediterranean,
to the east down to the Jordan , in addition to being densely populated ,
is considered the holy city par excellence,
a turbulent and dramatic history of this city that extremely fascinating ,
his visit is a journey through the symbol of Christianity .
In Jerusalem exudes a mix of cultures that coexist in every way sublime atmosphere of sacredness deep .
This city has to be discovered at the bottom of each stone ,
in the streets , in churches , on the streets full of people , neighborhoods paths from different ethnicities and religions .


We begin our tour :

The Wailing Wall ,
for the Jewish people is a religious symbol for centuries,
here  the Hasidim are praying with an oscillating movement of the head
approach the wall between the cracks depositing their prayers and kissing the stone.


The Temple Mount,
is one of the places where religion Christian, Jewish and Muslim communities have clashed for centuries ,
the open space is enclosed by walls and through the door Bab Al Magharida ,
the Dome of the Rock will catture your attention immediately,it is a symbol of Jerusalem.

spianata delle moschee

The Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre
around which develops the Christian neighborhood , its streets are lined by the last stretch of the Via Crucis.
When you arrive to the Holy Sepulchre ,
the atmosphere changes completely , you enter one of the most poignant ever for those of the Christian faith.


Arab Quarter
is at the center of the old town and is a mix of perfumes in the Middle East ,
chaos and folklore typical of the Arab countries , and there are sellers of all kinds of goods ,
from freshly baked bread to fruit, until you get to the fabrics and all kinds of junk .


The Church of All Nations ,
is an example of how the  whole world has devoted and defined Jerusalem , a city of faith .


On the Mount of Olives,
you can visit some holy places,
The Church of the Pater Noster , built on the site where Jesus taught prayer,
after a few hundred meters  from this church you can arrive to a panoramic terrace with views of the more memorable of Jerusalem.

chiesa del pater noster

The Garden of Gethsemane ,
is a simple but highly suggestive , this was the place where Jesus was arrested after the betrayal of Judas .

orto di getsem

The Tomb of the Virgin,
is one of the sacred places ever for Christians
inside you can feel the sacredness and a sense of inner peace pervades
those who visit this site where it is believed that the Virgin Mary was buried by the disciples .


Jewish Quarter,
is located in the old part of the city,
is characterized by massive stone buildings and medieval -looking streets ,
in the district are the main attraction of the synagogues , the most famous Hurva and the Benzakai .

quartiere ebraico gerusalemme

And here we are almost at dinner,
Israeli cuisine reflects the multi-ethnic dimension is a company formed through the immigration of Jews from different places that the dynamics of the country.
There are then ,
Israeli cuisine specialties that was influenced by other cultures and that has, customizing the settings.

Let’s start with Ghefilte fish , fish balls served with sweet and spicy sauce


Shnitzel are breaded chicken breasts , it’s definitely a dish revisited , from native of Eastern European Jews .


The hummus , delicious chickpea and sesame


Falafel are chickpea balls that are often served with Arabic bread ( pita )


Baba ganoush ,
it is a cream made from eggplant, is a starter, also known as eggplant caviar .


tabbouleh ,
is a dish made of burghil and vegetables, burghil is a cereal similar to cous cous , typical of Middle Eastern countries and rich in vitamins .


Dessert trolley ? Ken ( yes)

Let’s start with Baklawa , a sweet made from wheat , pistachios, hazelnuts honey .


Now we’re going  to taste Knafeh layers of noodles flour , stuffed with cream cheese .


The Katayef are dumplings stuffed with cheese and nuts, fried or baked.


Shalom Jerusalem …
was a mythical  and exciting journey!
My comfortable sofa is waiting for me I’m coming  with my hot cup of coffee ,
I greet and thank all of you who have had the courtesy to read to this point , hoping that the journey was liking …

Until next time!

And … the journey continues!




  1. says

    un articolo veramente bello, sembra di essere là! spiegato molto bene ed avvincente, la cosa bella è che la cultura ebraica dei cibi si è diffusa in Italia ed anche qui possiamo assaggiare alcune loro specialità! ovvio che mangiati “in casa” a Gerusalemme sono migliori, ma è bello sapere che ho assaggiato già molti di questi piatti e li adoro!

    • tiramisu1 says

      Sono davvero contenta che ti sia piaciuto…come saprai circa ogni due giorni propongo una cena nel mondo…mi farà piacere se continuerai a seguirmi …a presto Mari

    • tiramisu1 says

      grazie Paola per me è motivo di grande soddisfazione sapere che ci sono persone che, anche se solo virtualmente, viaggiano nel mondo insieme a me e ogni due o tre giorni si passa una serata insieme…mi sembra un appuntamento carino…c’è dietro un grande lavoro di ricerca, ma ormai ci sono tante persone che aspettano e mi scrivono:”Questa sera dove si va?” che per me è un incentivo a continuare…grazie ancora per i complimenti alla prossima…e il viaggio continua!