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At dinner with Andrea Camilleri

Our virtual culinary journey continues through the years after World War II to 2000, we will make a brief stop in the ’60s to go to dinner by Andrea Camilleri, I chose him because writer in those years of great success televised related to my childhood .. . ” Tenant Sheridan ” a fantastic Ubaldo Lay, the unforgettable investigations of Inspector Maigret with a great Gino Cervi  .

But back to the immediate post-war period … Italy is at its lowest , the rationing of food put in place during the Second World War had contributed to the development of the black market , further unbalancing the economy.

mercato nero

As we have always seen in the course of the centuries , belonging to different walks of life, affects the economic opportunities and therefore nutrition, both in the countryside than in the city  , the situation is dire , here within the vague memories of stories of my maternal grandmother  told meabout the black market where they go to buy some potatoes and a little flour .

merc nero 2

In the mid- 50s began an economic recovery of the country that will give rise to a widespread state of well-being in different social strata and will culminate with the economic boom of the ’60s , the meat, not just offal appear weekly on the boards the Italians, there has been a significant increase in pork due to the large spread of ham that often replaces the meat dish .

There is a boom in the use of tomato, cheese , as well as citrus and fresh fruit, great use of olive oil , which will replace the use of lard and butter.

There is another great news , the women begin to work in offices and public places and this will allow the Italian families can count on a higher disposable income .


Before you take a leap in the 60s to dinner by Andrea Camilleri, let me give you some highlights of some curiosity that I found:

- 50-60 years : Opening of the first Italian supermarket ( economic boom )

primo supermercato

-The 70s : significant increase in the consumption of oily fish and meat alternatives ( austerity )

- 80s: There are new food fads from the Mediterranean diet to light products , created the first beauty farms and begins a love for fitness ( economic recovery )

- 90s: starts the globalization of the market , the frequent use of high-quality products , considerable increase in the export business , families become less numerous , fast food was born , the first discount and make their appearance organic produce genetically changed.

And here we are in the Prati neighborhood in Rome where the writer lives ,from his imagination was born in the 90s Commissario Montalbano (10 million copies sold ), I have chosen him to dinner ’60s , first because he is a man of great intellectual secondly because he is Sicilian and I madly loving the kitchen of our lovely island , I hope to be able to enjoy a few specials .


And here’s the Sicilian menu , triumph of flavors and colors of the Mediterranean: as appetizer we start with a classic caponata anchovies and raw citrus fruit, a delight after the other,

alici agli agrumi

Can not miss the amazing pasta with sardines (my palate is delighted)


It continues with a swordfish simple as simple as like ame, grilled and seasoned with olive oil and lemon

pesce spada grigl

And here we are at my favorite cannoli, a triumph of pistachios, hazelnuts, classic cannoli … I’m in awe

cann sic pist

It ends with the classic cassata.


I greet my guest and I thank him for this wonderful dinner, I’ll walk in 2014 to dispose of and usually drink my coffee on the couch in my house.

Until next time!


